"A lovely place in a park environment!"


This is how we prevent covid-19

Dear guests,

We follow the developments regarding covid-19 and listen to the recommendations of the authorities and the camping industry. You as a guest or employee should feel safe and well cared for when you visit, live or work with us.

For you who live in a cottage, this means that you have your very own living space. It is well-cleaned, and properly disinfected. During your stay we ask you to follow our general prescribed hygiene rules that are related to the Public Health Authority. As far as possible, we also try to leave the cabins empty between the bookings.

Where possible we will keep an empty space between two occupied locations. Experience wonderful nature, fresh air and space around you! That’s exactly what we need to build good protection! We hope that you follow this action and we will pay extra attention to this so that everyone can feel a peaceful stay. You who live in a camper / caravan control your own environment.

Service buildings
Our service buildings are cleaned regularly and we also disinfect specific surfaces such as handles, flush buttons and so on. We encourage everyone who visits us, both guests and staff, to be careful about washing their hands frequently. There is hand soap in all our service areas.

We are extremely careful with our hand hygiene. The staff stays at home in case of a cold with sore throat, fever or cough, even with more mild symptoms. We keep recommended distance from colleagues and guests where possible.

Welcome to contact us by phone +46 12351444.


Rembrandt and Annelie
Grännäs Camping och Stugby


Utskriftsdatum 2024-09-13.
Webbadress: grannascamping.se/en/covide-19en/
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